The Word of My Testimony
Transformative podcast series featuring divine testimonies.
Listen to the latest episode:
Episode 1: What's in a name?
This podcast episode describes how the podcast got its name, details the personal testimony of me, Kathy Downey, with the hope of shining more light into the darkness and bringing glory to God in the Highest.
Episode 2: In the Beginning - God's Will
Christians, gather around! Come hear testimonies of how good God is, how He works all things for good for those who are in Christ Jesus and according to His purpose. Hear how the enemy’s intent to kill, steal and destroy is thwarted by Jesus Christ, so that we can have life and life more abundantly. Learn how to overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. Have ears to hear that it is good! All glory to God! Praise the LORD! Hallelujah!
Inspiring Podcast Series Testimony
Welcome to our podcast series where we share inspiring testimonies guided by the Holy Spirit. Listen to the latest episode and be encouraged by the stories of faith.
Life-changing testimonies